Rainy Days and the Colors That Shine Through

Rain is one of my favorite kinds of weather. I enjoy hearing the pitter patter on the window while hearing our creek rush behind our home. There is something about rain that brings peace. I enjoy opening the windows and feeling the breeze flow through our home. If it’s a day off work, there’s nothing like being cozy at home reading a book, watching a movie or creating.

Recently, we have had many rainy days. While I like rain, I don’t like it all of the time. We are in the process of getting a new roof and the rain has made the roofing process delayed. While rain helps our garden to grow and brings peace, it also brings detours in plans outside or home projects such as our roof.

There is a simple song titled “It Won’t Rain Always.” The lyrics share that while rain will fall it won’t last forever. The rain parallel difficulties. The clouds will be part and the sun that’s been hiding will shine. It’s a song that comes to mind on those rainy days both literally and in day to day to life moments.

My favorite part after the rain falls is looking for a rainbow. I have always loved rainbows. The hues of colors that shine after a storm or a rain shower is beautiful. There’s something about color that shines after a storm or difficulties.

What is your favorite type of weather? Do rainbows spark color or a bright spot in your life? May we look for ways to see through the rain and see the sunshine and rainbows in our lives.